Diskominfo SP melaksanakan liputan penyerahan bantuan PGRI Surakarta terkait wabah covid-19 di Loji Gandrung, Jumat (10/4/2020). Bantuan ini merupakan kepedulian PGRI untuk membantu pemerintah kota dalam penanggulangan covid-19.
Pemerintah Kota menerima bantuan dari PGRI Surakarta berupa masker N95 sebanyak 160 buah serta Alat Pelindung Diri (APD) sejumlah 100 pakaian.
Pemerintah kota juga menerima bantuan dari Hellofit (startup kesehatan) berupa 10.000 botol hand sanitizer, 100 set APD, 100 buah kacamata pelindung, 10.000 lembar masker, dan 2.000 pasang sarung tangan medis senilai 500 juta rupiah.
Diskominfo SP carries out coverage of handover from the PGRI Surakarta related to the covid-19 outbreak in Loji Gandrung, Friday (10/4/2020). This assistance is aimed at assisting the city administratin in handling covid-19.
The city administration received assistance from the PGRI in the form of 160 N95 masks and 100 set of Personal Medical Protective Equipment (APD).
Moreover, city administration received assistance from Hellofit (health startup) in the form of 10,000 bottles of hand sanitizers, 100 sets of APD, 100 pieces of protective glasses, 10,000 pieces of masks, and 2,000 pairs of medical gloves worth 500 million rupiah.
sumber: surakarta.go.id