Kepala Diskominfo SP Kentis Ratnawati, S.H., M.M. melakukan koordinasi dengan Kepala Diskominfo Propinsi Jawa Tengah melalui video conference, Kamis (9/4/2020).
Video conference ini dilakukan dalam rangka menyamakan persepsi penanganan covid-19 di Propinsi Jawa Tengah. Rapat mendiskusikan tentang sinkronisasi tugas dan fungsi Kominfo serta sosialisasi pencegahan covid-19.
Dalam kesempatan ini, Kepala Diskominfo SP menyampaikan kegiatan publikasi dan sosialisasi pencegahan covid-19 serta langkah-langkah yang dilaksanakan pemerintah kota dalam mengontrol penyebaran virus.
Head of Diskominfo SP Kentis Ratnawati, S.H., M.M. coordinated with the Head of the Department of Communication and Information in Central Java Province through a video conference on Thursday 9 April 2020.
The video conference was conducted in order to make the same perception of Covid-19 handling in Central Java Province. The meeting discussed the synchronization of the tasks and functions of the Communication and Information Agencies and the socialization of covid-19 prevention.
On this occasion, the Head of Diskominfo SP conveyed the publication and socialization of the prevention of covid-19 and the steps taken by the city administration in controlling the spread of the virus.