Diskominfo SP mengikuti webinar (web-based seminar) nasional dengan tajuk Kontribusi Pos dan Logistik dalam Mengatasi Pandemik Covid-19 (The New Normal), Rabu (20/5/2020).
Webinar dibuka oleh Gubernur Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X dan menampilkan 4 narasumber; Prof. Dr. Ahmad M. Ramli, SH., Mh., Fcb. Arb (Dirjen PPI Kominfo RI), Indra Maulana SH., L.LM. (Kabag Hukum dan Kerjasama Ditjen PPI Kominfo RI), Drs. Muhammad Feriadi, MBA (Ketua Asperindo), Gilarsi W. Setijono (Direktur Utama PT Pos Indonesia), dan Prof. Dr. Ir. Agus Taufik Mulyono, ST., MT., IPU., ASEAN Eng (Kepala Pustral UGM).
Telekomunikasi, pos dan logistik menjadi sektor yang sangat startegis pada masa pandemik atau post pandemik covid-19 (new normal) mengingat pasar (market place) akan sangat besar. Pada masa ini masyarakat akan lebih berhati-hati dalam melaksanakan aktivitas dengan menghindari bertemu secara langsung dengan orang lain.
Dalam kondisi ini diprediksi e-commerce akan meningkat drastis. Layanan pos dan logistik akan menjadi faktor penting pendukung e-commerce. Sementara itu, pemerintah harus hadir dalam bentuk regulasi dan perlindungan data diri.
Selanjutnya, perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pos dan logistik harus tetap mampu melaksanakan pelayanan jasa pengiriman ke seluruh indonesia. Layanan harus tetap menerapkan pelayanan yang prima dengan tetap memperhatikan protokol kesehatan covid-19. Hanya dengan melaksanakan hal tersebut, maka perusahaan pos dan logistik akan memberikan kontribusi yang signifikan terhadap e-commerce di masa new normal.
Selain fungsi komersial, PT. Pos Indonesia juga dapat menjalankan fungsi sosial di masa new normal ini. PT Pos dapat mengambil fungsi sebagai distributor bahan pangan, barang, serta uang baik tunai maupun non tunai khususnya untuk bantuan sosial tunai covid-19. Hal ini tentunya dilaksanakan dengan tetap melaksanakan protokol kesehatan covid-19 pada semua layanan PT POS Indonesia.
Diskominfo SP participated in a national web-based seminar Post and Logistics Contribution to Overcoming Covid-19 Pandemics (The New Normal), Wednesday (5/20/2020).
The webinar was opened by the Governor of Yogyakarta, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X and featured 4 speakers; Prof. Dr. Ahmad M. Ramli, SH., Mh., Fcb. Arb (Director General PPI Kominfo RI), Indra Maulana SH., L.LM. (Head of Legal Affairs and Cooperation of Ditjen PPI Kominfo RI), Drs. Muhammad Feriadi, MBA (Chair of Asperindo), Gilarsi W. Setijono (President Director of PT Pos Indonesia), and Prof. Dr. Ir. Agus Taufik Mulyono, ST., MT., IPU., ASEAN Eng (Head of Pustral UGM).
Telecommunications, postal and logistics are very strategic sectors in the pandemic or post pandemic covid-19 (new normal) considering that the market place will be very large. At this time, the community will be more careful in carrying out activities by avoiding meeting people directly.
In such condition, it is predicted that e-commerce will increase dramatically. Postal services and logistics will be important factors supporting e-commerce. Meanwhile, the government must be present in the form of regulation and protection of personal data.
Furthermore, postal and logistics companies must continue to be able to carry out shipping services throughout Indonesia. Services must continue to implement excellent service while taking into account covid-19 health protocols. By doing this. the postal and logistics companies will make a significant contribution to e-commerce in the new normal times.
In addition to commercial functions, PT. Pos Indonesia can also carry out social functions during this new normal period. PT Pos can take on the function as a distributor of food, goods, as well as cash and non-cash money specifically for co-19 cash social assistance. This is of course carried out by continuing to implement co-19 health protocols on all PT POS Indonesia’s services.