Diskominfo SP kembali merekapitulasi publikasi informasi penanggulangan Covid-19 di Kota Surakarta untuk minggu kedua bulan Mei 2020 (8 Mei – 14 Mei 2020).
Terdapat 32 publikasi informasi yang dihimpun oleh Diskominfo SP yang kemudian dikirimkan sebagai laporan ke Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika.
Dari 32 publikasi informasi tersebut, terdapat 5 publikasi tentang Walikota dan Ketua DPRD mengantarkan pemudik “lulus karantina”, update informasi pasien Covid-19 dan siaran keliling (sirkel) yang mulai bulan Mei 2020 dilaksanakan setiap hari oleh Diskominfo SP.
Selain informasi tersebut, terdapat juga informasi lain seperti penerimaan bantuan dari organisasi, swasta, BUMN maupun masyarakat (4 publikasi); penertiban warung dan rental Playstation (2), rekapitulasi bantuan hingga 1 Mei (1), PPDB (1), pembebasan retribusi (1), operasi pasar (1), penyaluran sembako (1), ajakan donor darah (1), ajakan ronda (1), perpanjangan jam operasional tempat-tempat hiburan (1), peluncuran fitur belanja online di pasar tradisional (1), penataan zona oprokan pasar tradisional (1), dan edukasi covid-19 di pasar tradisional (1).
Diskominfo SP recapitulated the publication of information on Covid-19 countermeasures in Surakarta for the second week of May 2020.
There are 32 publication of information compiled by Diskominfo SP which are then sent as a report to the Ministry of Communication and Information.
Of the 32 publications, there are 5 publications about the Mayor and Chair of the Regional Parliament (DPRD) taking travelers back to home after being quarrantined, Covid-19 patient information updates, and mobile broadcasts (sirkel) carried out every day by Diskominfo SP.
In addition to this information, there are also other information such as receiving assistance from organizations, the private sector, SOEs and the community (4 publications); control of stalls and Playstation rental (2), recapitulation of assistance until May 1 (1), new students admission / PPDB (1), exemption from retribution (1), market operations (1), food distribution (1), solicitation of blood donors (1), solicitation for patrols (1), extension of operating hours of entertainment venues (1), launch of online shopping features in traditional markets (1), arrangement of traditional market (1), and covid-19 education in traditional markets (1).