Diskominfo SP ndherek Sosialisasi Teknis Audit TIK SPBE kawontenaken dening Perkumpulan Profesional Teknologi Informasi (PPTI) kanthi daring mapan ing Bidang Informatika, dinten Rebo (04/08/2021).

Tujuwan sosialisasi Audit TIK SPBE inggih meniko kangge maringi gambaran dhateng peserta kekait lampahing audit TIK SPBE wiwit saking tahap persiapan dumugi tahap laporan.

Kegiatan Audit TIK SPBE kawontenaken adhedhasar Permenpan RB Nomor 59 Tahun 2020 bab Pemantauan dan Evaluasi Sistem Pemerintahan Berbasis Elektronik (SPBE).

Audit TIK SPBE kawontenaken kangge nindakaken evaluasi kanthi sistematis lan obyektif lebet maringi nilai tambah utawi ninggilaken kinerja tumrap Aplikasi Sistem Pemerintahan Berbasis Elektronik.

Wonten 4 domain lebetipun lampahan SPBE inggih meniko Kebijakan Internal SPBE, Tata Kelola SPBE, Manajemen SPBE lan Layanan SPBE. Kekait audit TIK SPBE nyengkuyung ing domain Kebijakan Internal SPBE dan Manajemen SPBE.

Saben domain meniko nggadahi aspek lan indikator. Saben indikator nggadahi pitakenan ingkang badhe dipunpundhutaken priksa dhateng saben Organisasi Perangkat Daerah.

Saben domain, aspek lan indikator nggadahi nilai bobot ingkang badhe nemtukaken kematangan TIK SPBE ing saben Organisasi Perangkat Daerah.

Diskominfo SP participates in the online SPBE ICT Audit Technical Socialization organized by the Information Technology Professional Association (PPTI) in the Informatics Division room, Wednesday (04/08/2021).

The purpose of this SPBE ICT Audit socialization is providing an overview to participants regarding the implementation of the SPBE ICT audit starting from the preparation stage to the report stage.

SPBE ICT Audit activities are carried out based on the Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform Regulation Number 59 of 2020 concerning Monitoring and Evaluation of Electronic-Based Government Systems (SPBE).

The SPBE ICT audit is carried out to evaluate systematically and objectively in order to provide added value or improve performance on Electronic-Based Government System Applications.

There are 4 domains in SPBE implementation, namely SPBE Internal Policy, SPBE Governance, SPBE Management and SPBE Services. The ICT SPBE audit, supports the SPBE Internal Policy and SPBE Management domain.

Each of these domains has aspects and indicators. Each indicator has a question that will be asked to each of agencies.

Each domain, aspect and indicator has its own score and will determine the maturity of SPBE ICT in each agencies.